Sunday, March 1, 2009


these are basically the same but I could not choose...

I like the whiter background on the 2nd one but the liquid on the 1st one.

This is one of my own...I will be posting more soon!


  1. I like the top one. I think the liquid looks better. Why not just lighten the background in PS?
    Nice work.

  2. the first one you get a more sense of the glass. it gets a little lost in the second. the liquid stream looks better in the first too. the image with several glasses is a little static and i hate to say boring but i think it is missing something, however very nice lighting in this one, the edges of the glasses are really defined and nicely lit. Good job.

  3. These are good shots. I like the first one the best, I think, just because there is a bit more of the liquid in the bottom of the glass. The pour looks good, I would maybe just lighten the background a bit like you like it in the second seems like that would be pretty easy to do in PS. The second image is interesting in terms of the repetition of circles and the different levels of the liquid, but I don't know if I can see it as a commercial shot. It might just be that the angle is a little extreme. I don't really know...but it's definitely interesting in an artistic way.

    Overall, great job. :)
